Sunday, September 13, 2009

Week 4 - Deutsch bei Enloe

Deutsch 1

We'll review a bit for our Test on Unit, which is Tuesday of this week.
Topics include: Greetings, Introductions, numbers 0-20, talking about ages, origins, other people.
Die Familie!! - key words
Conversation about your family
Projekt - ein Familienfotoalbum! Rubrik hier!
City Projekt - Brochure of your City. Requirements here.
numbers in German (and other languages!)

Deutsch 2

Test this Tuesday on the Dative case, chapter 10. Monday we review for it.
Bundesliga!! Spielbericht - der 5. Spieltag - go to the Bundesliga website and get info on your team. - due Wednesday!

Deutsch 3
Monday we review a bit for our Test on Tuesday - Test is on chapter 10 - past perfect, professions, visiting the doctor, da/dahin difference.
Powerpoint - Deutschland ein neuer Anfang
On your vocabulary list you made, answer the questions in complete sentences (German, of course!) and write 5 questions of your own, plus answers.

Deutsch 4

Prepare for our test on Tuesday concerning Kapitel 1 - verbs in the present.

AP Deutsch

Short stories are due today, along with vocabulary list.
Review briefly for exam on Tuesday - subjunctive II

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